So, I’m not doing very well keeping up with this blog! I’d rather paint than write – but, maybe someone out there is interested in how I take a pet photograph and create a painting from start to finish –  in pictures.

This is Ripley, a very cute dog with a wild tongue. Sadly, I just found out she has a heart condition and they’re not sure how much longer she has. Hopefully, this painting will give her owners something to remember her with. This painting is going to be a Christmas gift for her owners.

Ripley original

Original photo of Ripley.

Ripley 1

I start with a colored ground and then sketch in the major features. I typically use a grid just to make sure I get the proportions correct.

Ripley 2

Next I paint in the shadows with a mixture of yellow, ultramarine blue, and alizarin crimson.

Ripley 3

More shadow build up and layer in some other colors.

Ripley 4

More layers of color

Ripley 5

And More layers of color! As well as some finer details in the tongue ears and eyes. I also started adding in some of the hair detail.

Ripley 6

Final details added and she’s done!